Phnom Penh: On the afternoon of Monday, October 13, 2021, through the Zoom Video Conference program, the Department of Policy, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports held a discussion meeting on “preparation and process of Memorandum of understanding (MOU)” between the Department of Policy (DoPo) and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Khon Kaen (MCU.KK), Thailand to discuss and prepare the MOU process on some areas such as research, the printing of journals, organizing national and international conferences.
At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Chankoulika Bo, Director of the Department of Policy, opened the meeting and presented the purpose of the meeting. Afterward, Most Venerable Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phrasophonphatthanabundit, Vice-Rector of MCUKK, Thailand gave speech about the important points that can be signed in the future and he also thanked Dr. Chankoulika Bo, Director of the Department of Policy, the leaders, officials, and participants in this important meeting.
After that, the two sides presented an overview of the DoPo and the MCU.KK and discussed in detail the points that could be signed in the future.
Overall, the meeting on preparation and process of MOU was being smoothly and well and responded to the objectives.
Website: https://dopomoeys.com/